Unforgettable Memories: Real Stories from Silverwood Visitors

September 16, 2024.Danielle Seideman.0 Likes.0 Comments

Unforgettable Memories: Real Stories from Silverwood Visitors 

For anyone who has grown up in the Pacific Northwest, Silverwood Theme Park is a family favorite landmark. My family has been visiting the park for as long as I can remember. Starting around the age of about 7, I’ve had the opportunity to witness the park grow and evolve throughout the years. Silverwood Theme Park offers unforgettable memories filled with rides, entertaining shows, and scenic beauty.

My First Memory: The Train Ride

One of my earliest memories of Silverwood is the train ride. I remember feeling like I was on a real-life adventure for the first time. As we chugged along, I took in the beautiful scenery. Then we approached an area that looked like a campsite, with clothes strung out on a line to dry. I believed people actually lived there.

Suddenly, the train stopped, and three scary men jumped on board. We were being robbed! I was petrified and wanted to hide under my dad’s seat. I still remember the fear, thinking the robbers had guns and wanted to take a gentleman’s wallet, which he was eager to give up. “What a hero,” I thought to myself. This stranger was willing to sacrifice his wallet to save the lives of everyone on the train. I was so relieved when the train took us back to the park where I could finally feel safe again. It took me a few years to realize that the train wasn’t actually being robbed—they were paid actors. Great actors. They had me convinced they were real robbers for years!

Mark’s Aviation Show Memories

Mark shared his favorite memories of when he would take his granddaughter Mary to the aviation show every year when she was just a little girl. They loved the annual performances, that showcased both vintage and modern aircraft performing loops, rolls, and other aerobatic maneuvers. He recalls that the show was always so inspiring young visitors to learn about aviation and especially Mary. It was one of Mark and Mary’s favorite traditions, and those memories are something they both still cherish to this day.

Levi’s Family Tradition

Levi shared a fond memory of his family’s visits to Silverwood. They always arrived well before the park opened to be first in line.

Him and his 2 siblings would run to be first in line for the Timber Terror. He vividly remembers the excitement of riding the Corkscrew when it first came to the park. He and his siblings would ride it over and over, running from the exit all the way back to the entry line over and over until they were told it was time to go. Their family visited the park at least once or twice a year, where he now takes his own kids for the same experiences.

 Jessica’s Rainy-Day Adventure

Jessica recalls planning a trip to Silverwood with a group of friends. They loaded up and drove about two hours north from Moscow, Idaho. Unfortunately, they forgot to check the weather and were surprised by pouring rain when they got to the park. Despite the downpour, they were excited to check out the newest attraction, Aftershock, between storms. They weren’t going to let the weather stop them from enjoying their day.

The rain kept many visitors away, resulting in very short lines. Jessica and her friends rode the rides as many times as they could. She still remembers coming off Timber Terror absolutely drenched from the day’s rain, but laughing and ready to ride again. What could have been a ruined day turned into one of her favorite memories with her friends.

No matter who you are sharing your day with, Silverwood Theme Park is more than just a collection of rides and shows; it’s a place where the best of memories are made. Whether it’s the excitement of a first roller coaster, ride, a family tradition, or an unexpected adventure in the rain, Silverwood offers memories that stay with you for a lifetime.

Meet the Conductor: Dani

Hello! My name is Dani. I am a coffee-obsessed, concert-loving mom of 3. I have been with my husband for over 19 years. I have the best job as a Marketing Consultant for a multimedia company called DailyFly Media. I offer everything advertising, but my favorite part is working in the radio world. There is never a dull moment in my professional life. I live in the Lewis-Clark Valley surrounded by mountains and beaches; so naturally, you can usually find me playing on the water in the mountains with my friends and family. I have grown up going to Silverwood and have loved bringing my kids there their whole lives as well. We are excited to share our adventures with you!

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