All Aboard Silverwood’s Read 2 Ride Program

September 2, 2024.Danielle Fowler.0 Likes.2 Comments

Silverwood Read 2 Ride program was our first introduction to Silverwood Theme Park – 7 years ago – through our son’s school program. I imagine it was also the same for many reading this post when a child in your life came home from school highly motivated to get their spring reading hours in for the highly anticipated reward – a Silverwood Ticket!

But for some of you not yet familiar with the program, here are the details! The Silverwood Read 2 Ride program incentivizes students from Pre-K to 6th grade to get engaged in their education through reading! Students are sent home with a form to mark 10 hours of reading over the course of a month. Their reward upon completion is a Silverwood ticket, which can be redeemed in the summer months.

A love of reading and education is at the heart of the program offered via Silverwood. Students must complete 10 hours on the reading log before March 30th of each year.

The Pillars of Read 2 Ride

Motivation.  Oh, the excitement when the kids got home from school in the dreary winter months waving their form and placing it in a prominent spot on the fridge and quickly running to get their first book to sit down and quietly read. Silverwood has partnered with schools and parents to motivate children to become stronger readers. And kids willingly and excitedly have jumped at the opportunity. 

Educate. While Silverwood is a theme park and may not be the first thing you think of when it comes to school or education, Silverwood has taken this position seriously and has become one of the biggest ambassadors to local schools and parents in encouraging a well-educated generation of children in Eastern Washington and North Idaho. We all love to enjoy Silverwood with its rides and attractions, but what Silverwood has encouraged is something much bigger. They have encouraged and instilled the gift and blessing of reading to countless children and that is what matters. 

Reward. All those hours of your children sitting and reading their favorite books while staying warm indoors during those winter months, pay off. They have put in the time and the effort to learn to love reading. To learn about new things. To better themselves. For those that struggle with reading, the repetition and designated time has made them stronger readers. For those that love to read, they have read new books about new topics and expanded their knowledge. It’s time to reap the reward. When your student turns in the form with the correct number of hours marked off, they are given their Read 2 Ride Silverwood ticket. The excitement may just be overwhelming! But the children have earned it and the next time they venture to Silverwood and Boulder Beach and use their Read 2 Ride ticket, you will know it’s because of their hard work and the support and encouragement of Silverwood Theme Park.  

Thank you, Silverwood, for this great program and for making reading fun and exciting for children! The rewards go beyond a free ticket, but the free ticket definitely helps!

Learn more about enrolling your school in the Read 2 Ride program HERE!

About the Conductor…

Hi, I’m Danielle Fowler. I am the mother of 4 fun and energetic kids ranging from 4-11. We are all thrilled to share with you one of our favorite staycation spots – Silverwood! Together, with my husband Ryan, we operate The Fowler Group – a WA + ID real estate team. We love sharing local businesses and attractions our family enjoys with our community on our page. Silverwood is no exception! We look forward to bringing you along with our family this summer. Check us out!


Silverwood Express Giveaway

Comments (2)

  • Michelle cornella . September 3, 2024 . Reply

    This would be so great to win!

  • Rylee Brice . September 4, 2024 . Reply

    I wish our schools did this program, what a great way to get kids reading! A trip to Silverwood is always a great time.

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