Eagle Hunt: A Mom’s Take on the Ultimate Summer Ride

August 26, 2024.Alyssa Curnutt.0 Likes.3 Comments

This summer, everyone in the Pacific Northwest is talking about the new Emerald Forest expansion in Boulder Beach. Dozens of new cabanas and the fun Salmon Run slides are exciting (especially for this mama of two littles!), but the new water coaster is the one getting the most buzz.

I set out to see what the Eagle Hunt excitement was all about (and spoiler alert: it’s totally justified). Here’s what you can expect!

My 5-year-old is the waterslide/rollercoaster fanatic in our household, so she called dibs on going with mom down the longest dueling water coaster in the nation. (Note: Eagle Hunt is a two person-only ride, so make sure you have a buddy willing to go on it with you!)

Before you hop in line, it’s time to hop on the scale. First, each of you will be weighed individually (since no rider can be more than 300 lbs). Then you’ll hop on the scale together (the total weight of the tube must be between 150-450 lbs). They also made sure my daughter was tall enough (kiddos need to be 42” tall and to ride with an adult.) Once we got the go-ahead, it was time to hop in line!

Pro tip: make Boulder Beach your first stop of the day and jet to Eagle Hunt first for the shortest line of the day!

While we were in line, we loved being able to see the tubers in action during various parts of the ride. Their smiles were massive, and you could hear them scream, laugh and gasp along the way.

Once you get to the top of the water coaster, it’s time to get weighed one more time before hopping in the tube. The heavier rider has to go in the back. Then, when we were sitting in the tube our “rival tubers” got loaded into their tube. This is where the dueling part of the coaster comes into play. There are two lanes, and you are racing to see who can make it down first.

Once they were loaded up, my daughter looked back at me with the absolute biggest, most excited smile. The light turned green. It was go-time.

Throughout the ride you propel up multiple hills, cascade around corners, and descend down several drops. A note to the rider on the back of the tube: you will get absolutely soaked. As you are propelled uphill, those powerful jets of water pushing you up will cause the water to go over your shoulders and drench you. I shrieked and was laughing incredibly hard every time (while also internally pleading for my contacts not to fall out.)

As we slid down the final hill into sunlight, indicating that the ride was finished, the laughs I could hear from my daughter were priceless. We were hardly stopped before she turned around to me and asked if we could do it again!

I can without a doubt say: if you’re looking for a fun, family-friendly activity to cool offer this summer, Eagle Hunt should definitely be at the top of your list. It’s an experience you won’t want to miss.

I am also pleased to say: we won the race.


Meet The Conductor

Alyssa is a real estate agent in Spokane, WA and she loves showing off all the cool things in Spokane over on her Instagram (@alyssacurnutt). Her favorite job, though, is being mom to two sweet little girls and wife to her high school sweetheart, Jordan. Alyssa’s absolute favorite time of the year is summer: enjoying warm weather, visiting local lakes, camping, and (of course!) heading to SILVERWOOD!



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Comments (3)

  • JaimieS . August 27, 2024 . Reply

    My kiddos and I loved this ride/slide! Was definitely something we hit first thing every morning and back to back a few times before the line got too long…

  • Clint . August 28, 2024 . Reply


  • Ker . August 31, 2024 . Reply

    Eagle hunt is a blast! Can’t wait to ride it again!

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