Visiting Silverwood is a magical experience, brimming with excitement and unforgettable moments.

Visiting Silverwood with Kids on the Spectrum

August 19, 2024.Chelsea Halasz.1 Like.4 Comments

Visiting Silverwood is a magical experience, brimming with excitement and unforgettable moments.  I remember my own childhood, running off with friends to squeeze as much fun as possible into our day.  Now, I’m experiencing Silverwood as a mother, though not in the way I anticipated.  My kids are on the autism spectrum, which means we experience Silverwood a little differently.

For families with children on the autism spectrum, a busy theme park can present unique challenges.  Loud and bustling environments can be overwhelming for kids who perceive the world differently than neurotypical children. Though we’ve often shied away from such places, I’ve learned that with the right planning and preparation, it is entirely possible to enjoy and access Silverwood with special needs children and have a wonderful time!

Here are some strategies that make our visits to Silverwood run smoothly:

Plan Ahead

Research the Park

Before your visit, familiarize yourself with the park layout. This can help you plan your day and avoid surprises.  Silverwood’s rides are rated by intensity (Low, Medium, and High). Check out the ride intensity guide here.  Since our kids are easily overstimulated, we start with lower intensity rides and gradually move to others as they become comfortable.  Understanding what your child can handle helps plan a successful day.

Courtesy Pass

Silverwood provides a Courtesy Pass for guests with disabilities who cannot wait in line.  With this pass, you still wait your turn, just not in line!  Your group will get a boarding time, and when it’s time, you enter through the exit (on most rides).   We use this opportunity to wait in quieter areas or enjoy rides with shorter lines.  This option of a Courtesy Pass has allowed our children to try rides with longer wait times they otherwise couldn’t access.

Visit the Information Center upon arrival to inquire about the Courtesy Pass.

Pack Smart

Sensory/ Comfort Items

Bring comfort items such as noise-canceling headphones, sunglasses, fidgets, or a favorite toy/ stuffie. These can help soothe your child if they become overwhelmed by the sights and sounds of the park.

Snacks and Hydration

Pack plenty of your child’s preferred snacks and drinks to keep them nourished and hydrated. Familiar snacks can provide comfort and prevent meltdowns caused by hunger.

Stroller or wagon

Bringing a stroller helps when our youngest gets tired and is handy for carrying our gear.  Plus, it keeps our daughter, who tends to wander, safely strapped in and provides a convenient snack tray!


Wear clothes that can be easily changed.   We arrive early, start at Boulder Beach, and then move to the dry park.  Wearing swimsuits to the park and easy-to-remove clothing makes for efficient changes and bathroom trips.  Two-piece swimsuits and dresses have been especially helpful.  After the water park, we usually are dry enough to head to the dry park without changing. This saves so much time and energy.   However, we always pack a dry option just in case.

Prepare Your Child

Social Stories

Create a social story about your visit, including pictures of rides and experiences you plan to enjoy.  Act it out with them and use resources like YouTube walkthroughs.  My children especially love watching this one by Blippi! These strategies can help your child feel more comfortable and know what to expect in certain situations they may find themselves in.

Choose the Right Time

Visit During Off-Peak Times

Weekdays and non-holiday periods are generally less crowded, making it easier to navigate the park and reducing sensory overload.  However, Sunday is actually rumored to be Silverwood’s least busy day!

Arriving early or visiting later in the day helps avoid midday crowds and often results in more comfortable temperatures

Identify Quiet Areas

Identify quiet areas within the park where your child can take a break if they become overwhelmed. Silverwood offers several quieter shaded spots and picnic areas.

Chrissy’s Quiet Garden:

Located behind the ferris wheel and near the lower intensity rides, this beautiful garden offers a peaceful retreat from the park’s noise where you can sit, regroup, and calm down.

Other Quiet Areas

For a quiet place with A/C, head into one of many shops located throughout the park.  Grab a snack or drink or browse for a new toy or stuffed animal for your child.

The Toy Store over in Country Carnival was a great distraction and break for my little one who loves stuffed animals but forgot hers at home!  The prices were reasonable too!


Bathrooms can be challenging due to crowding or long lines. There are five family bathrooms throughout the park, all listed in the Silverwood accessibility guide!

Pro Tip:  The bathroom in Critter Camp (near Krazy Koaster) is usually less crowded and sometimes empty even when other bathrooms have long lines!

Engage with Staff

Inform Ride Operators

Let ride operators know if your child needs extra time or assistance boarding and exiting rides. Staff members are wonderful in accommodating special needs and can provide extra support.

Take it Slow

Flexible Schedule

Create a flexible schedule that allows for changes in plans. Adjust your itinerary based on your child’s needs and energy levels. Bringing an extra adult to help can also be beneficial!

Prioritize Must-Do Attractions

Focus on must-do attractions and prioritize those. Trying to do everything can be overwhelming, so concentrate on the experiences your child will enjoy the most!

Color Highlight

Visiting Silverwood with a child on the spectrum, requires some extra planning and patience, but with the right strategies, it can be such a rewarding experience!  By preparing in advance, packing smart, staying flexible, and utilizing Silverwoods’ Courtesy Pass, you can create a wonderful and inclusive experience that everyone in the family can cherish.  Embrace the adventure, learn as you go, celebrate the small victories, and most importantly, have fun!

Have any additional tips or experiences to share about visiting Silverwood with kids on the spectrum?  Share them in the comments below!


Meet The Conductor

Hi I’m Chelsea!   

I’m a stay-at-home PNW mom to three wonderful, neurodivergent kids!  Our life is very busy, but always an adventure!   I also run my Instagram account @TheBlondeSpaniard .

Here, I share about all things family, travel, home decor, as well as local eats, events and activities! 

Our family loves the great outdoors, and you’ll often find us fishing, camping, kayaking, hiking, and making unforgettable memories together.  One of our favorite places to visit is Silverwood. I grew up exploring Silverwood, and now, I’m excited to create new memories there with my own children and share about those moments and tips and tricks of tackling Silverwood with neurodivergent children with all of you!  

If you’d like to follow along on our adventures and enter fun giveaways (including Silverwood tickets!)  you can follow along here!  


Silverwood Express Giveaway

Comments (4)

  • gayle douglas . August 19, 2024 . Reply

    We learned about the courtesy pass last year AFTER our visit. I am so glad you are bringing it to our attention. We will get it for our autistic son next time!

  • Sue . August 19, 2024 . Reply

    I am a 65-year-old wheelchair-bound single mom. I have been visiting Silverwood since I fostered a 10-year-old boy on the spectrum, that I have now adopted. This is the 4th year we have been coming to Silverwood. Your park is so well suited to caring for and helping people with disabilities that it is our preferred vacation spot. This year we hit a new landmark in my son’s development and he wanted to go to the park by himself. We went over everything he needed to do and it was a great experience. He was able to get the courtesy pass himself and when he ran into a problem he was able to ask your staff for assistance who called me and got every taken care of on the phone. I think you are the most wonderful place on the planet for people raising special needs children. A big thanks to all of you who make up the Silverwood family.

  • Clint . August 19, 2024 . Reply


  • Collette Gormley . August 22, 2024 . Reply

    I’m excited to come back knowing about the courtesy pass for my daughter.

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