Cascade Ice Cream: The Unreal Deal

November 6, 2023.Emma Finton.2 Likes.4 Comments

I don’t know about y’all, but I have a serious sweet tooth. And one of my favorite ways to satisfy this craving during my time at Silverwood is by stopping in at the Cascade Glacier Ice Creamery.

As soon as you walk in, you’ll be greeted by this gorgeous mural as you wait in line.

The shop regularly serves a variety of 10 yummy flavors each day. All are readily available to be enjoyed by guests – big or small – at any time.

– Café Chocolate (classic and creamy Dutch chocolate)
– Vanilla (made with real vanilla extract and no artificial flavors)
– Cotton Candy (a pink, purple, and blue mixed take on the childhood favorite)
– Fruity Pop-n-Rocks (fruity blue ice cream swirled with white marshmallow ice cream and popping candy)
– Cookies & Cream (vanilla ice cream mixed with chocolate sandwich cookie pieces)
– Mint Chocolate Chip (green mint ice cream with dark chocolate chips)
– Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough (vanilla ice cream with cookie dough pieces and chocolate flakes)
– Maui Waui (a tropical swirl of passion fruit, orange, and guava sherbets)
– Moose Tracks (vanilla ice cream with a fudge swirl and chocolate-covered peanut butter cups)
– Huckleberry Heaven (huckleberry ice cream with a berry swirl)

Don’t ask me which is my favorite…they are all so delicious!!! That said, you can never go wrong with Moose Tracks!

But here’s the real secret…the “Silverwood Signature Scoop” isn’t technically just one scoop. It’s actually F I V E scoops. I’m not kidding. It’s HUGE!!! You can choose up to 3 different flavors to be included, and it literally costs less than $8. What an incredible deal!

Since this menu item has such a large quantity, no one can realistically finish it all by themselves. (Try as you might like to. Hahaha.) So naturally, it’s perfect for sharing among multiple people.

This is especially true when you’ve got lots of little people eager to enjoy some ice cream!

Budget-Friendly Tip:
Bring a package of empty ice cream cones with you into the park. Then order the single scoop (in a bowl) and split it up amongst everyone. If they can agree on which flavors, that is.

Truly, I can promise you that no matter what size ice cream you decide on ordering and no matter what flavors you choose, you won’t be disappointed in the slightest. After all, you simply can’t be having a bad day when you are licking an ice cream cone as you head to the next ride!


Meet The Conductor

My name is Emma! I love a good iced coffee, and love Jesus even more. While I’m currently rocking the city life in Post Falls, Idaho, my dream is to one day raise my own family on a little homestead. In this season, you’ll find me spending my days pouring into the lives of the sweet kiddos I nanny, running my home business making non-toxic playdough, enjoying lots of quality time with friends, loving on the precious little ones I’m currently fostering, or sharing my passion for all things holistic living. If y’all want to follow the daily adventures of my crazy, exciting, blessed life, you can do so here


Categories: Food
Tags: #Food, #Tips

Comments (4)

  • Joseph Fulton . November 6, 2023 . Reply

    Can’t wait until next year

  • Brooke . November 6, 2023 . Reply

    We love the ice cream as a treat right before we head home for the night. Perfect ending!

  • Cass W . November 6, 2023 . Reply

    This is making me hungry!

  • Rusti Wilson . November 8, 2023 . Reply

    The ice cream is the best!

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