First Timer’s Guide To Silverwood

June 20, 2022.Hannah McMaster.5 Likes.32 Comments

So you’re thinking about going to Silverwood?! You’re a newbie. Have you never been? 

Well, then this is quite literally the perfect blog for you! We are the first timer’s this season as well. This gives us the perfect opportunity to share some experiences as a first-time goer!

Regardless if you are a rollercoaster nut, foodie, waterpark fan, shopper, rail buff, lover of history, an enjoyer of vintage arcade games, or simply enjoy strolling around, there’s something for you at Silverwood.

Here are the 12 things you need to know about visiting for the first time!

1.You can’t do it all!

I know you think you can, but you absolutely cannot. (Trust me) I’ve now been half a dozen times, and I STILL haven’t managed to “do it all.” The best advice? Pick your top 5 things that you’d like to do that are your absolute “MUSTS”, then go from there! The best part about not being able to do It all? Then you have more to come back and do later! Or revisit the best memories that you made when you were at Silverwood. It’s a total win all around!

 2.How many sections are in the park?

Main street – Here you have the gorgeous train (Which you 1000% need to take a ride on), the high moon saloon, Victorian Coffee House, Sweet Treats, Theatre of Illusion, and much more.

Critter Camp – don’t be fooled by this “kid’s area”. Krazy Koaster and Tiny Toot Roller Coaster are definitely fun at any age! So long as you’re tall enough of course! They are amazing first Roller Coasters to take your kiddos on.

Country Carnival – Incredibly reminiscent of all the carnivals you went to back in Yesteryear. Complete with Tilt-a-wheelParatroopers, a Ferris Wheel, and a Scrambler, whilst incorporating unique experiences, such as the Antique Cars, and of course, the three water rides that are on the Silverwood side! Bumper BoatsThunder Canyon, and Roaring Creek. Don’t forget to check out Corkscrew; this is the world’s first inverted Roller Coaster, a must-do for ANY Coaster fan!

Coaster Alley – Here we have the big Coasters! Boasting two amazing Wooden Coasters; Timber Terror and TremorsAftershock! And the resident newbie, Stunt Pilot (Make sure you read into the history of the park HERE to understand the significance of this attraction)

Boulder Beach Water Park – We could write an entire blog just on this great section. But we will say this. If you like water parks, it’s for you. There’s a lazy river; there are Wave Pools, there’s a kids water section, there’s a toddler water section, and there’s the Cabanas in between the Wave pools. There are slides, and there are falls… Do you get the gist? It’s absolutely stunning, and it needs to be on your list! 

 3.One day, two days, three days?

As I’ve covered above, there’s NO WAY you can do everything in the park in one day, or two… or even three! I’d advise two days to start. That way, you can get a feel for the park, the layout, the vibe, and then the second day, you won’t feel like you’re figuring the park out! Two days is my recommendation… But be prepared in our soul that it won’t be enough, and you’ll need and want to return for more….

4.Battery packs and backs

There are a lot of things you CAN take with you. My advice would be to be as simple or complex as you desire. But here are a few things that I would suggest for a first-timer. Battery packs – Your phone might die. And nothing is more annoying than knowing that you can’t upload to Instagram and tag @silverwoodthemepark or even take pictures because you’re afraid your phone will die.

Sunscreen – It’s summer, it’s hot, don’t burn.

Bug spray – This is the outdoors; people, in the PNW, there are bugs.

Water bottle – There are fountains all over, and you can always ask a cast member for a cup of ice water to pour in.

Extra clothes – Yip, do it. If someone spills or you get wet. You’ll thank yourself.

A sweater – It can get a little chilly in the evenings. Although if you “forget,” then you might just “have” to buy one of the Silverwood hoodies…. whichever works.

Other things – Baby wipes, glasses cleaner, a small towel, snacks, sunglasses.

 5.Take advantage of the park resources. 

Seriously use every resource! They have water fountains to fill up your bottles. You have the information center; here is where you can get wheelchairs, strollers, lost and found, cash exchange (read about cash bands HERE), here is also where you can get bands for your kids with your phone number on it, should you get separated in the park! There are also TWO first aid sections, one by the entrance to Country Carnival and the other inside Boulder Beach.

The lockers are handy for storing things you don’t want to carry around all day. It’s a steal at $10 per day, and you can go and open and shut that thing all day long. In the end, you just say that you’re finished, and it locks you out. We put our dry clothes in there for when we went on the three water rides, and that $10 was worth every cent to be able to change out of wet clothes at the end. Yes, you could totally just carry a waterproof bag, but what parent wants to lug around a bag full of wet clothes all day? Silverwood gives you a break and shouldn’t remind you of laundry day…

6. Food!

If you’re like me… food is a HUGE part of our life. Well, first of all, you can bring in a 12×12 soft cooler with your snacks and food for the day. But truthfully… You want the food and snacks at Silverwood. I won’t go down that rabbit hole today. But… You want it. You want all of it. So totally bring your cooler with your drinks and snacks, but I promise you, the food is DE-LISH.

mmmmmmmmmmmm….. Funnel Cake………

 7. The Popcorn Bucket

I’m sure you’re super confused about why this is on a first timers guide. IT’S BECAUSE IT’S THE BEST DEAL. At just $6 for the filled reusable popcorn bucket, you can bring this back again and again and again. For a simple .99c refill. You don’t need to carry your receipt from when you brought it; simply bring the bucket, and they will refill it for you. This is hand’s down the best-kept secret of the park for snacks.

There is also a reusable drinks container, but this is only valid for refills on the day of purchase! Which is still an amazing deal!

8.Silverwood is WAY MORE than just the attractions

Remember I mentioned the train? Yeah, make sure to ask the Train engineers about the history of the train. This beauty came from Nevada, and Silverwood actually outbid DISNEY to get this stunner. And she. Is. Beautiful.

On the train, there is an amazing show… which I won’t ruin for you with spoilers. But let’s just say it’s a must for all ages. If the show isn’t for you, and you just want a lovely ride, that’s available too. Just make sure you check out the ticket booth for the departure times.

Magic shows … This is our kid’s favorite. Full disclosure, my husband watched with wide eyes the entire time and was completely mesmerized. One of the magic shows is at the Pizzeria, and the other at High Moon Saloon. Both are indoors, so they are perfect places to sit down, relax, and get your energy back up.

 9.Take time for the shows

It may seem redundant when you go to a theme park to watch a magic show. But you don’t want to miss out. Not only is it a fab place to relax in some AC on a hot day, but the experience is amazing. Spoilers without Spoilers, but there’s some levitation, cards, disappearing, reappearing, and general good fun! You’ll be captivated, I promise.

10.Where’s the best coffee?

I’m someone who needs to have my two cups of coffee a day. I’ve taken YEARS to train my body to this, and I have no intention of stopping now! Haha. Maybe you can relate; maybe you can’t. But on a Silverwood day, you might just need that boost that sugar can’t give you.

There are two great places for coffee;

Firstly, the Victorian Coffee House. It’s beautiful on the main street, and you can sip your drink of choice while watching the train roll in and out.

Secondly, but actually firstly… because IMO the coffee is better here; the Silverwood Coffee, Roasting & Trading Co. Don’t walk, run. It’s good. As a self-confessing coffee connoisseur, this is where you want to get that first coffee from, and it’s right at the entrance. Start your day off right 😉

11.Learn the map

When you first come into the park, there is a lovely stand for maps! And there are several boards for maps all around. But let’s be honest here, do you want to sit there staring at the map and get beat out by the locals who know exactly where they are going? Or do you want to be able to know where everything is mostly? The second option, right? Okay. You can go online HERE to view the map. You want to be doing this. Once you’re waiting in line for that first ride, you can then take the time to study the map more and figure out your next move.


I know this may seem self-explanatory. But when planning a trip, an excursion, all the things, it’s so easy to forget to let yourself have fun. Don’t be that person. Enjoy every moment. Let yourself relax.

Remember, this IS FUN! 


Meet The Conductor

Hi! I’m Hannah! I have a family of 4, hailing from all corners of the globe, we’ve traveled the world with our kids, and constantly encourage our children to try new things, and experience new things. Enjoying in the little details is just as important to us as enjoy life’s major milestones. We’ve recently moved to America from New Zealand. We have a passion for family, and encouraging family to spend time together. To truly be a unit. I lived 21 years in England, then 10 years in New Zealand, My husband Devin lived 18 years in South Africa, and then 18 years in New Zealand. Our kiddos were born and raised in New Zealand, and don’t ask us what our accents are. They just awkwardly change mid conversation to suit the subject for no apparent reason. We love food, family, and theme parks. So with Silverwood, it’s a match made in heaven!


Categories: Tips

Comments (32)

  • Brittney . June 20, 2022 . Reply

    I’ve been visiting Silverwood for over 25 years. I love sharing with my kids what I experienced when I was young, and exploring everything that is new with them. We can’t wait to go back this summer!

  • JD . June 20, 2022 . Reply

    We always hit all my faves in Coaster Alley first because those back up. Our only exception is if it’s hot we do the log ride on the way to the coasters because it gets long lines quickly on nice days.

  • Cass W . June 20, 2022 . Reply

    Love the popcorn tip!

  • Kirsten Johnston . June 22, 2022 . Reply

    Thanks for the good info. Heading there next weekend

  • Katie Burgan . June 22, 2022 . Reply

    Thank you for all the tips!
    I’m taking my son in a few weeks and we will be first timers.

  • Jill . June 22, 2022 . Reply

    We can’t wait to visit Silverwood! We haven’t been able to visit in several years and now we finally have the chance to visit again, our two youngest kids have never been and are excited too! 🙂

  • Jody . June 22, 2022 . Reply

    We have visited Silverwood several times and know our way around but i still found this to be very helpful and interesting !
    Thank you for all the useful tips!

  • Todd . June 22, 2022 . Reply

    Would love to spend a day or 2 at Silverwood with the kids. Been to Spokane/CDA but never to Silverwood…

  • Nicole Mccluskey . June 22, 2022 . Reply

    I have been waiting to take my kids here. We are looking for a good weekend to go. Looks like a blast!

  • Laura . June 22, 2022 . Reply

    I love the tip that you can’t do it all in one day.

  • Tracy . June 22, 2022 . Reply

    We went for the 1st time last summer & loved it !

  • Ann Bowers . June 22, 2022 . Reply

    Great, useful info – Thx!!

  • KJ . June 22, 2022 . Reply

    Headed to silverwood next month… love the popcorn refills tip! Handy with 2 kids in tow!

    • Whoopwhoop . June 22, 2022 . Reply


  • Judith Eitemiller . June 23, 2022 . Reply

    We will be visiting the week of 4th of July for the first time. With our two daughter’s that never been to a theme park. Plus the 4th is our 18th wedding anniversary.

  • Maygen Jenkins . June 23, 2022 . Reply

    This is great info. We are headed there for the first time in a few weeks! Thanks!

  • JAYNE GAUTREAU . June 23, 2022 . Reply

    Thank you such a nice post with great info. For first timers. Appreciate the info about the lockers and the cost of things inside park is so helpful! We go next week and are excited!

  • Jared . June 23, 2022 . Reply

    Very cool! Love that your giving your kids a spirit of adventure that they will keep with them as they get older.

  • Jenny . June 23, 2022 . Reply

    I’ve never actually stopped to watch the magic show in all the years we’ve gone to Silverwood, we might have to make it a priority this time!

  • Elizabeth Hoxit . June 23, 2022 . Reply

    Great tips! I went as a kid, but have been wanting to go back with my kids. Covid has spoiled a lot of our travel options these last couple years, so it’s time to get back on the horse and make up for lost time 🙂

  • mallorie carter . June 24, 2022 . Reply

    Your tips are awesome! Im hoping to take my 3 kids this august!

  • Adela . June 24, 2022 . Reply

    Love this

  • Jessi . June 25, 2022 . Reply

    I’m excited to take my family of five to the park. We’ve driven by many many times, but this will be our first visit!

  • Nickers . June 25, 2022 . Reply

    Going for the first time in a couple weeks. Thanks for the tips!

  • Christina Miksche . June 25, 2022 . Reply

    I’m trying to plan our family vacation and a friend just posted about Silverwood so I took a peek and found this link. I’m gonna bring it up to my husband and see what he says. Thanks for the tips, if we don’t go this year we’ll definitely go soon.

  • Jolene Dulaney . June 25, 2022 . Reply

    Headed to Silverwood next weekend with my husband and our 2 daughters. It will be our older daughters second time and her birthday. First time for uour youngest. We can’t wait!

  • Ayleen Pehrson . June 26, 2022 . Reply

    Would love to win these tickets. Never been to silverwood, but have heard about it from many friends. But funds are a bit tight.

  • Angel . June 26, 2022 . Reply

    Great information! We can’t wait to go for our first time. We will be there in August!

  • Charles . July 18, 2022 . Reply

    Missing a link in section number 11

    • Stephanie Sampson . July 19, 2022 . Reply

      This link has been updated. Thank you for letting us know!


      Silverwood Theme Park

  • Alessa Ciciriello . August 9, 2022 . Reply

    What great tips! We’ll be going next week for the first time! We’re so excited. Can’t wait!

  • John Canner . November 24, 2023 . Reply

    #7 is my favorite

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